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The Hashey family was living a normal life. Joe was a high school teacher and business owner. Mell was a former social worker turned stay-at-home mom of three. Then 2020 happened and turned their family upside down.

Joe and Mell Hashey were married in 2006 and lived a normal life. At the beginning, they lived in half of a duplex and rented out the other half to save money. Eventually that grew to 8 units and they were able to afford their “dream house.”

Joe was a high school teacher, Mell was a social worker, and they had three sons. By their early 30s, the family lived on a picture perfect 6 acres with 2 ponds, gardens, a barn (home gym) and a simple farm house. Joe loved the zero turn lawn mower and Mell enjoyed looking at the evening fireflies.
Neighbors would use the upstate New York Hashey property for wedding photos and it was a gathering place for all.

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